Full-stack web developer
Welcome to my portfolio!

Welcome to my personal portfolio. I am a full stack developer focused on web technologies. Currently, I work at nextAudit where we create a SaaS product to turn the auditing process into a pleasant, digital solution.

Here are some projects I've worked on:

  • AuditCloud (nextAudit)
    A SaaS product by nextAudit to turn the auditing process into a pleasant, digital solution.
    Vue.js | TypeScript | Node.js | Express | GCP/Firebase (Firestore, Cloud Functions, Hosting, Storage)
  • Personal porfolio website and CV generator
    I created my personal portfolio website to learn more about static site generators and to use Gridsome in a project. To avoid having to maintain the underlying data multiple times, I also created a React application from my existing resume. The resume generator and the portfolio website use the same data source (a simple HTTP server).
    Vue.js | React.js | TypeScript | Gridsome | Netlify + Heroku
  • Production Analytics Tool
    Web application for exploring (without data science background) large datasets of producing companies. The application allows to explore, preprocess, analyze and evaluate data. Statistical methods for cleaning and various machine learning methods for analyzing the data are used.
    Java | Hibernate | PostgreSQL | Python | Flask | Web-Frontend
  • WoPS (Wertstromorientierte Produktionssteuerung)
    Web application for analyzing the logistical performance of a production and subsequent simulation of possible adjustments. Focus: Development of new evaluation options and presentation of the results in various views and diagrams.
    Java | Hibernate | PostgreSQL | Web-Frontend

Get to know me:

Florentin Bürvenich
Software developer focused on web development

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